T-1671; Puget Sound, from Pt. Defiance to Ketron Isd., Washington Territory, 1877-78





Originator:  Puget Sound River History Project

Originator: Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington, Box 351310

Originator: Seattle, WA 98195

Publication_Date: 10/01/03

Title: T-1671; Puget Sound, from Pt. Defiance to Ketron Isd., Washington Territory, 1877-78

Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map


Georeferenced United States Coast & Geodetic Survey Topographic Sheet T-1671; Puget Sound, from Pt. Defiance to Ketron Isd., Washington Territory, 1877-78; Scale: 1:20,000; Surveyor: Eugene Ellicott

Supplemental_Information:  For a comprehensive historical and technical review of the production and interpretation of early Coast & Geodetic Survey T-sheets please refer to Shalowitz, A.L. 1964. Shore and Sea Boundaries, Volumes 2.  U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, DC. This publication is available online at https://chartmaker.ncd.noaa.gov/hsd/shallow.htm

Time_Period_of_Content:  1877-78

Time_Period_Information:  1877-78


Calendar_Date: 1877-78

Currentness_Reference: 1877-78


Progress: Complete

Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned



Theme_Keyword: T-sheets

Theme_Keyword: Coastal Survey

Theme_Keyword: Land Cover

Theme_Keyword: Historical

Theme_Keyword: United States Coast and Geodetic Survey


Place_Keyword: Washington State

Place_Keyword: Puget Sound


Stratum_Keyword: Near Shore

Stratum_Keyword: Coast


Temporal_Keyword: 1877-78


This georeferenced image may be freely downloaded and used. Please give credit to the Puget Sound River History Project, University of Washington.



This georeferenced image may be freely downloaded and used. Please give credit to the Puget Sound River History Project, University of Washington.





Contact_Person: Brian Collins, Amir Sheikh


Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington


Address_Type: mailing address

Address: Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Address: Box 351310

Address: University of Washington

City: Seattle

State_or_Province: WA

Postal_Code: 98195

Country: USA

Contact_Voice_Telephone: (206) 616-6584

Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (206) 543-0489

Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: bcollins@u.washington.edu

Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: asheikh@u.washington.edu



Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: 7 meters (using 2 reliable benchmarks)

The Titus Bay area of the T-sheet appears to have significant registration error in relation to the rest of the T-sheet. It is assumed that this is due to original survey, cartographic, or drafting error, and not due to the georeferencing process, since the majority of the T-sheet matches the drg and the nearby T-sheets, and the benchmark error assessment is so low.

To assess an independent check of the accuracy of the registration process, benchmarks located on the T-sheets were compared to published NGS benchmarks that were retraceable to the time of the surveyed T-sheet. (Published NGS benchmark information is located at https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/datasheet.prl). Only benchmarks that could be established with a high degree of certainty that existed at the time of the original T-sheet survey and were not remounted were used in the final accuracy measurement. If no current benchmarks exist or if the benchmarks have been remounted in relation to the benchmarks on the T-sheet, hard points (areas that would expect little change since the original surveys) were used to give a general indicator of the T-sheet’s registration accuracy in lieu of a more rigorous method. Thus these hard point measurements must be viewed with some caution. It should be stressed that the accuracy assessment was to check the accuracy of the overall registration process, not necessarily the accuracy of the survey itself.

NOTE: Measured distances are rounded to the nearest meter. The hand-drawn representations of benchmarks on the T-sheets are often up to 10 meters in width. To assess an independent check of the accuracy of the registration process, the measured distance is from the NGS-published coordinates to the perceived middle of the benchmark depicted on the T-sheet. In addition, the overall shape of the benchmark symbol is sometimes obscured by other symbology on the T-sheet. Thus, there is a certain level of uncertainty introduced due to the ambiguous location of the benchmark on the T-sheet. 


Seven possible benchmarks were identified on the T-sheet and in the NGS datasheets, but only two of these actually corresponded with benchmarks on the T-sheet and were monumented prior to T-sheet production.  So these two benchmarks were used for the error assessment.

  Station Name PID Date Mon/Obs Current Survey Control NAD83 Measured distance between T-sheet benchmark & NGS-published benchmark
        Longitude Latitude
1 GOLDSBOROUGH 1857 SY3039 1857 122 37 01.53763 47 13 28.73933 8.569797
2 BOULDER SY3118 1877 122 41 27.69499 47 11 34.70950 5.382353


Technician: Elizabeth Cassel  Date:  10-16-03


Process_Description:  The georeferencing of T-sheets in the Puget Sound region was funded by the Puget Sound Nearshore Project (PSNERP) https://www.pugetsoundnearshore.org/

Scanned images were obtained from Information Manufacturing Corporation, 7000 Infantry Ridge Road, Suite 200, Manassas, VA 20109 Phone: (703) 393-6866

The methodology used to georeference the T-sheets was modified from the previous work of Jennifer Burke (NOAA) in the Lower Columbia and Daniels et al (2001). The georeferencing and error assessment process were carried out using Erdas Imagine 8.6 and ArcGIS 8.3.

For additional information concerning the georeferencing method please refer to: https://rocky2.ess.washington.edu/riverhistory/tsheets.php

Datum Shift:

Most T-sheets do not have a current datum represented on them (i.e. NAD 27, NAD 83). Graticules (tics) marking Latitude and Longitude in the early local Puget Sound Datum (PSD) and a later update to North American Datum (NAD) projection are most often present. To calculate the X, Y shift from NAD to NAD 27, X and Y values were used from datum difference tables for survey stations around most of Puget Sound (Patton, 1999). An overall datum shift was determined for the area covered by the T-sheet by averaging the shift from a number of survey stations in or nearby that area represented on the T-sheet.

The following survey stations were used to calculate the datum shift:

Wash 2, 1921
Smelt, 1905


For georeferencing, tics were used only surrounding areas that depicted nearshore features on the T-sheet. This was mainly done to hasten the overall process due to the magnitude of the scope of the project while maintaining the best control around areas of interest. The sheets were then rectified using a 1st order polynomial transformation. Points that produced relatively high RMS values, as well as tic points that consistently fell outside of 4.5 meters (on a 1:10,000 scale T-sheet) of their projected UTM coordinates were omitted.

            The following tic marks were used for georeferencing the initial resample:



deg min deg min
1 122 35 47 21
2 122 34 47 21
3 122 33 47 21
4 122 36 47 20
5 122 35 47 20
6 122 34 47 20
7 122 33 47 20
8 122 32 47 20
9 122 31 47 20
10 122 34 47 19
11 122 33 47 19
12 122 32 47 19
13 122 31 47 19
14 122 30 47 19
15 122 37 47 18
16 122 36 47 18
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24 122 40 47 17
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34 122 30 47 17
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39 122 37 47 16
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50 122 35 47 15
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64 122 33 47 14
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95 122 38 47 11
96 122 37 47 11
97 122 36 47 11
98 122 35 47 11
99 122 34 47 11
100 122 41 47 10
101 122 40 47 10
102 122 39 47 10
103 122 38 47 10
104 122 37 47 10
105 122 36 47 10
106 122 35 47 10
107 122 41 47 9
108 122 40 47 9
109 122 39 47 9
110 122 38 47 9
111 122 37 47 9
112 122 39 47 8
113 122 38 47 8
114 122 37 47 8

Four different resamples were performed on this data.  The RMS errors were ranged from 0 to 0.005 after the first resample, and a few points had errors up to 25 meters.  Combinations of the points 9, 14, 23, 35, 76, 88, 90, 97, 106, and 108 were removed for the second and third resample.  For the final resample, points 23, 35, 76 and 88 were removed, which resulted in the lowest overall RMS errors and error distances, as well as the best match to the drgs.

Several factors that can introduce error into the registration process include:


 Daniels, R. C. and R.H. Huxford. 2001. An error assessment of vector data derived from scanned National Ocean Service topographic sheets. Journal of Coastal Research 17: 611 – 619.

Patton, R.S., 1999. Datum Differences: Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific Coast of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington D.C. (Original publication: 1936)





Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator


UTM_Zone_Number: 10


Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.999600

Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -123.000000

Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.000000

False_Easting: 500000.000000

False_Northing: 0.000000


Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column


Abscissa_Resolution: 2.000000

Ordinate_Resolution: 2.000000

Planar_Distance_Units: meters


Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1927

Ellipsoid_Name: Clarke 1866

Semi-major_Axis: 6378206.400000

Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 294.978698


Resource_Description: Downloadable Data




Transfer_Size: 24.630


Metadata_Date: 20020723




Contact_Person: Brian Collins, Amir Sheikh


Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington


Address_Type: mailing address

Address: Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Address: Box 351310

Address: University of Washington

City: Seattle

State_or_Province: WA

Postal_Code: 98195

Country: USA

Contact_Voice_Telephone: (206) 616-6584

Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (206) 543-0489

Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: bcollins@u.washington.edu

Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: asheikh@u.washington.edu

Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Metadata_Time_Convention: local time