The Puget Sound River History Project was supervised by David R. Montgomery, Professor of Geomorphology in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences and Director of the Quaternary Research Center.
Brian Collins initiated and directed the project as a Research Scientist in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, where he is now a Lecturer.
Amir Sheikh led the GIS team and assisted in data interpretation and analysis.
Harvey Greenberg is resident GIS guru and administers the GIS lab.
Charles Kiblinger processed the historical aerial photographs available on this site and assisted in geo-spatial analysis. He also built and maintained many of this group's associated websites.
David Biggs initially developed this website while he was completing his work on the ecological history of hydraulic infrastructure and wetlands in the Mekong Delta for his PhD in history at the University of Washington; he is now Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of California, Riverside.
Leah Briney, Jeremy Bunn, Elizabeth Cassel, Chris Gardner, Suzanne Hawley, Nate Jones, Soleil Kelley, Joanna Marsolek, Tracy Potter, Isabelle Sarikhan, and David Snyder helped with creating digital data available on this site.
Contact Us
Puget Sound River History Project
Quaternary Research Center and Department of Earth & Space
Box 351310 University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195-1310
The Puget Sound River History Project was a joint project between:
Puget Sound Regional Synthesis Model (PRISM)
Quaternary Research Center
University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences
The project was supported (in chronological order) by the Skagit River System Cooperative; the Skagit Watershed Council; Aquatic and Lands Interaction Program of the USDA Forest Service Olympia Forestry Sciences Laboratory; the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks; National Marine Fisheries Service; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; the Nooksack Tribe Natural Resources Department with a grant from the USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs; Whatcom County Department of Public Works; the Jamestown S�Klallam Tribe,Natural Resources Department; Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District; the Washington Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Resources Division; the National Science Foundation (SBE/EAR #0648615); the Bullitt Foundation; and the Puget Sound Regional Synthesis Model (PRISM).